Speaking of the combination of art and technology; the Grammy Awards ceremony had a 3D tribute to Michael Jackson's life last night. I think it was a good attempt at trying something new, but was it successful? That is why I wanted to bring it up.
It may have been just a lack of being informed on my part, but I did not have a pair of 3D goggles laying around and ready to go so I could enjoy the show like everyone who was live at the show. I knew there was going to be a presentation in 3D, but I thought there would at least be another rendition of the piece for the home viewers, like myself, without the proper technology to enjoy it in 3D.
Not only did we not get to enjoy, but we also got naucious and felt half blind from the blurry halo/blue and red outline around the video clips and performers the entire time. Although some may claim this tribute as a success, I see it as an epic fail.
interestingly enough.. in class this week we learned that 3-D video was actually introduced in the 1950s.. Interesting. I thought it was a more recent 'invention'.