Serra seems to think everything he says in this is right, but really it is opinion. By asserting his opinion in this way, he successfully makes it seem like a fact. His audience has to really think about what they are reading. Overall, he makes some good points, but there are some things I completely disagree with. As an advertising & publi relations major, I disagree that television is the only form of mass communication. It may be the best form in some peoples' opinions, but there are certainly other ways to reach groups of people like billboards, magazines, etc.
I think it's cool that Serra says that the consumer pays to be a subject of advertisements. It is also true that what is selectively shown on television is what we know- we are a product of TV programming.
Watching the text got boring and redundant after a while, but I guess he made his point.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Performance Art
I am having trouble posting the video for my performance art. I am going to keep trying, and if it doesn't work I'll post still frames from the video. What I did was pretty much incorporate some electronic music from Infected Mushroom called "Becoming Insane" and I used glow in the dark paints and a black light and painted to the music. I covered my bedroom with sheets so I could just go crazy with the paints to try and decontextualize the space I was working in. I didn't realize that it was totally necessary for us to do our piece in public, but if I had the right light and area for a canvas that would have been cool. Anyways, like I said, I'll try to get the video posted soon. It's embarassing, but I guess that was part of the importance of this assignment- to break down barriers and step out of our comfort zone.
Pipilotti Rist
We didn't get to talk about Pipilotti Rist much in class, but from what I have watched on google video, her work seems pretty cool. The colors and placement of things make sense with the themes she is going for. I especially like her video installation at MOMA (here's the link: The expressions on the woman's face when as she is smashing car windows along with the reaction of the cop is just cool.
LHOOQ- Marcel Duchamp
Nam June Paik
Like Joseph Beuys, I can appreciate the art of Nam June Paik, but I see it as a little more extreme and out there. That makes it interesting though. I enjoyed the documentary we watched in class, especially the part when he walked out from the mound of screens all projecting different images which is in the picture in this post. Even his website is interactive- He did some great things as far as decontextualizing the camera also. Maybe I can draw inspiration from his works for my final video art piece. Oh- and his performance art with the violin was great! He is seemingly obsessed with TV screens, but it works for him because he draws inspiration fromt that and creates things like nobody else has ever created (like TV robots and using magnets to manipulate shapes on the screens)
Fluxus & Joseph Beuys
I like the idea of fluxus and I think it was a very important art movement as far as mixed media is concerned. I am also impressed by the work of Joseph Beuys- he took simple concepts and made art out of them, as did many of those following him. I also read that he was a friend of Nam Jun Paik, which is cool. He did everything from sculptures tographic arts. I appreciate the wide realm of areas he touched upon as opposed to being focused on just performance art, for example.
I found the 'works' or Orlan to be extremely crude. I am not trying to sound like a prude, but I may seem like one in this entry: I found what she did to be disrespectful and disgusting. I can appreciate a lot of the art we have seen in this class, but this is one artist I have no appreciation for. People go under the knife for medical reasons or to improve their self esteem, but Orlan just took it to another level and made a mockery out of something serious. The colorful patterns and garments worn were unique, so that was cool. But as far as being awake and getting these surgeries just for the purpose of 'art' I did not like that aspect. Not to mention the unnecessary guts and gore.... very gross
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